Mother Earth Sin Tax Imperial Peanut Butter Stout Review

Sin Tax Imperial Peanut Butter Stout
Mother Globe Brew Co.

Expect Odor Taste Feel Overall
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Photo of Troy-Hawaii
3.48 /5  rDev -11.9%
wait: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.25 | experience: 3.25 | overall: iii.25
by Troy-Hawaii from Hawaii

Bought a 6-pack cans $11.99 Tamuras
53 days old
Smell of peanut butter and brown sugar
Nighttime black color
Heavy mouthfeel
Medium carbonation
Faint taste of peanut butter, roasted malts, coffee
Overall ok. The expectations from the smells becomes disappointment equally the tastes aren't at that place. Would not recommend.

Feb 08, 2021

Photo of blazerkor
iv.sixteen /5  rDev +5.3%
look: iv | odor: four.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
past blazerkor from Nevada

Information technology smells similar unsweetened Nutella. Yous actually get a sense of the rich earthy cocoa and some sort of nuttiness.

It tastes like information technology smells. Bitterness and peanuts dominate with a hint of sweet malty goodness.

It feels like lush velvet in my rima oris. Information technology has simply a slight pop of very little carbonation. It'due south thinner than your boilerplate stout which makes it very drink. Like a nut brown with a very bitter terminate.

I really similar information technology. It's not a desert beer at all merely nutty, bitter, breadwater. This one gets a 4.ix out of half-dozen.

Dec 29, 2020

Photo of HoppingMadMonk
3.74 /5  rDev -v.3%
look: 4 | odor: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75
by HoppingMadMonk from New Jersey

Medium calorie-free carbonation with aboyt boilerplate body. Overall a decent feel
Odour was roasted malt,peanut butter, black coffee, some dark chocolate.
Taste dark chocolate and coffee mix followed by peanut butter blended with roasted malt. Peanut butter wasn't screaming loud but could definitely taste it and it came off real,not artificial.
Overall it was a good shot at the manner and worked well as a novelty dessert beer. Not a mail lawn mowing beer just was peachy subsequently dinner. Its worth trying

Oct 05, 2020

Photo of mintzmeet
iii.86 /5  rDev -2.3%
wait: 3.25 | olfactory property: iv | gustation: 3.75 | feel: three.5 | overall: 4.25
past mintzmeet from Washington

Smells like peanut butter chocolate soda. Tastes similar roasted cashew butter. Flossy and slight peanut flavour. Caramel vanilla. Light bite in the front. Calorie-free aftertaste just re-emerges with saliva. Doesn't taste besides deep. Boosting score because it's enjoyable and I think that'southward difficult to do with peanut butter brews.

Jun 17, 2020

Photo of ChainGangGuy
3.22 /5  rDev -18.v%
wait: three.5 | smell: three.25 | taste: three.25 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 3.25
by ChainGangGuy from Georgia

12 ounce can - $ii.29 at Total Wine & More than in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Appearance: Pours a very dark brown body and clear with a high, wholesome stack of yellow-tan foam.

Odour: Sweetish, stewed dark treacle syrup, powdered coffee, a bit of fruitiness and a pinch of vanilla sugar. Has a tinge of generic Kahlua.

Taste: Sweet, sugared tastes of cooked dark treacle blended with store-make cola. Merely rather subtly, vaguely nutty - it doesn't really come across clearly as a peanut butter note. Lightly fruity. Sprinkling of Sanka and a moderate fruitiness with a swig of alcohol, that's most when the discount version of Kahlua pops in.

Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied. Medium carbonation. Feels a bit thin for an imperial stout.

Overall: It'due south definitely sweet and malty, though it doesn't really succeed at being a nifty stout. Every bit for its peanut butter character, I gotta say, information technology feels at best lacking, at worst artificial. Not recommended.

May 28, 2020

Photo of KTCamm
3.71 /5  rDev
wait: 4 | smell: 3.v | taste: iii.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
by KTCamm from New Jersey

12/29/19....pours dark black and with low foam on the ring only. Roasted coffee nose. Hints of nuts. Peanut butter gustatory modality, blended with dark chocolate and coffee. Creamy. Hard bitter.

Mar 28, 2020

Photo of EMH73
4 /5  rDev +1.3%
await: four | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
by EMH73 from New York

Pours a very night chocolate-brown almost black with a large tan head that was well retained but left minimal lacing. Smells of roasted malts, night chocolate and coffee. Taste follows the nose, not really getting peanut butter-just a flake on nuttiness. Medium bodied for the style, medium carbonation, shine mouth experience.

Feb 27, 2020

Photo of OompaMentor
4.25 /v  rDev +7.6%
look: 4.25 | smell: iv.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: iv.25 | overall: 4.25
by OompaMentor from Georgia

iii/16/2019 - Dark creaminess on palate. Toffee is evident and peanut butter is light — well balanced. Very polish.

February 05, 2020

Photo of Mister_Faucher
3.96 /5  rDev +0.iii%
look: 4 | odor: 4.25 | gustation: 3.75 | feel: 4 | overall: four
by Mister_Faucher from Washington

Six pack of cans purchased at Total Wine in Lynnwood, Washington.
Unable to read the can dating. Poured in to a pint glass.

Look- Dark opaque java/cola colour, sizable khaki head with smashing retentiveness, moderate lacing. Low-cal carbonation streaming after information technology settles.

Smell- Peanut butter, sweet maple syrup, java and milk chocolate, dark bready malt, burnt sugar/caramel, dark fruit notes.

Taste- Much like the aroma just the peanut butter is very muted in the taste. Moderate bitterness that lingers slightly on the terminate.

Feel- Medium/calorie-free bodied with a nice semi-dry finish. Average carbonation. Well counterbalanced.

O- Good stuff here, just wish the peanut butter was a bit stronger in the flavor.

Oct 27, 2019

Photo of woodychandler
3.99 /5  rDev +1%
look: 4.25 | smell: iv | gustatory modality: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
by woodychandler from Pennsylvania

About a calendar month ago, 07 July to be precise, I ran through a buncha Mother Earth CANs as a part of "What 'New' Beers Have We Here Sunday (Week 750)?" & I thought that I had CANpleted my mission that day. A few days afterwards, during my redding up & getting out from under, I came across this one, but I was notwithstanding feeling a little wary after June's foray into Porters & Stouts. Today, I feel back up to the task, so here we are.

From the Can: "Tasting Notes: Big and Bold, Balanced Roastiness."; "Love Your Mother". The devil woman on the label puts me in heed of the Original Sin Cider posters.

I Crack!ed open the vent & beCAN a tiresome, gentle C-Line Glug in the hopes of seeing a pseudo-cascade. I was non disappointed & information technology formed just under two fingers of foamy, soapy, rocky, deep-tan/light-brown head with small retention. Color was Black/Opaque (SRM = 44), allowing Goose egg calorie-free penetration. Nose smelled less similar peanut butter and more like a CANbination of treacle, brownish sugar & crème brulee with the latter equally a sort of burnt smokiness. Hmm. Mouthfeel was medium-to-full, not quite creamy & a little thin for the manner. The taste was definitely a Stout, but I was not getting peanut butter. Instead, I CANtinued to get a crème brulee/toasted marshmallow burnt quality. It did non backbite from the beer as an Imperial Stout, but it also was not living upwards to its billing. Cease was dry & roasty, merely I just was not put in mind of peanut butter. Oh well.

Aug 08, 2019

Photo of Darkmagus82
3.99 /5  rDev +1%
wait: 3.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.25 | experience: two.v | overall: 3.75
by Darkmagus82 from Texas

Poured from a tin into a snifter
Appearance – The beer pours a cola black color with a small fizzy off white head of cream. The head fades well-nigh instantly, leaving just a trace of lace on the surface of the beer.
Olfactory property – The aroma is massive of a caramel and molasses smell mixed with a ton of dark fruit of plum, prune, and raisin. Forth with these smells comes some nice strong notes of chocolate and a whole bunch of roasted peanuts, producing a dainty roasty and sweetness peanut buttery aroma overall. Quite nice, similar a Nutella-Atomic number 82 & J sandwich!!
Gustation – The taste begins with a dark roasty and toasty malt flavour that has a great level of sugariness of molasses, caramel, and brownish saccharide. In that location is a chip of peanut butter right from the start, with information technology getting stronger in nature toward the middle of the gustation only to fade a bit later on. Some lighter cocoa notes develop as the sense of taste advances and are joined past a piffling chip of the fruit that was detected in the nose. With some char and a decent striking of a boozy flavor that develops at the end, ane is left with a somewhat sugariness, and more moderately to lightly roasted malt taste (at least for an purple stout) that holds within a striking of peanut butter flavor.
Mouthfeel – The torso of the brew is sparse for an imperial stout with a carbonation level that is low. The low carbonation level is cracking, merely a thicker trunk would have been way better, accentuating the dark, peanut, and boozy flavors much meliorate.
Overall – I enjoyed the flavour and the smell of the brew, merely the experience really detracted from the drinking experience. If only it had a thicker more than roasted malt base. For a style yous don't see that much (peanut butter stout; a style I wish was more than prominent) this ane was rather decent overall, but certainly not my top pick. Whatever which way, it is well worth a try.

Jul 16, 2019

Photo of acerbictea
3.01 /5  rDev -23.viii%
look: three | olfactory property: 4.5 | taste: ii | feel: 3.v | overall: three
past acerbictea from Massachusetts

Expect, I really wanted to like this one. Stouts are easily my favorite kind of beer, and this 1 has great reviews. Simply, to me, this doesn't really taste like beer. It tastes like coca-cola, and I actually don't like sodas. It smells very nice! Simply that almost makes it more disappointing when I olfactory property it and think "peradventure this sip will exist delicious" and and so it isn't.

This beer has a lot of skilful reviews, and then conspicuously people similar it. It just wasn't for me.

Jul 07, 2019

Photo of hoptheology
iv.32 /5  rDev +9.4%
look: 4.25 | odor: 4 | sense of taste: 4.five | experience: iv.five | overall: four.25
by hoptheology from Southward Dakota

22-oz bomber sent from Don.
Stella Artois gold rimmed glass.

Deep chocolate chocolate-brown with a beige head of i finger.

Aromas are of maple syrup and brownish saccharide and powdered peanut butter. Fruity ale yeast bring some mod effulgence to it. Slight sticky bun and slight wet grass.

Holy smokes this drinks piece of cake for an royal stout. Information technology's non particularly thin, only it only goes downwardly easy. Flavors of potent dark-brown sugar, maple, coffee, earth, and peanut butter grit, with slight moisture grass. Perhaps a little bit of cinnamon roll or raisin bread dunked in drive-thru maple syrup. Kind of similar French Toast sticks.

Experience is really shine, but non oily, and has a certain antihero slickness about information technology. Moderate to low carbonation which fits perfectly, and moderate alcohol oestrus with lingering hop resins.

Overall this is highly underrated, and it's a very enjoyable imperial peanut butter stout. Would recommend.

Jun 17, 2019

Photo of rodbeermunch
3.56 /5  rDev -ix.9%
look: iv | aroma: 3.5 | gustation: three.v | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.5
by rodbeermunch from Nevada

Hey another beer I've had years ago but haven't written a review all the same. Sometimes they wing nether the radar. Pours a black colour familiar to any stout fan. Calorie-free brown head 2/5" deep. The odour has a mildly sugariness and nutty presence.

Taste is pretty good, rima oris experience stands out as drier than a lot of the oily and sweeter peanut butter beers. It firmly places itself in the American stout category, as there isn't much in the way of dark fruit bitterness like you come beyond in its Russian analogue. There is just enough in the way of sugariness to help it envelope some of the alcohol and biting roasted malt. The body is middle of the route, not too sludge like thickness, not thin either. I would say this one is improve than your average peanut butter stout. Withal isn't something that will turn into a repeat buy in all likelihood, just I gotta say its a pretty well made beer and probably hit the target in terms of the brewer'south intentions.

Jun 14, 2019

Photo of MaltyMagic
4.39 /5  rDev +xi.i%
look: 4.five | aroma: iv.25 | taste: iv.5 | feel: iv | overall: 4.5
by MaltyMagic from California

Canned on 5/8/19. Pours a dark brown, red/mahogany when held to lite, latte foam top with great retentivity, rings of sudsy lace. Smells mostly of maple/dark-brown sugar and ale yeast, toasty, slightly nutty, pleasant nevertheless mild. Flavors of maple/brown sugar, toffee, chocolate, coffee, peanut, vanilla, dark breadstuff. Slightly sweet, roasty-simply-not-burnt (low astrigency), balanced end. The maple sticks effectually. Unsafe drinkability, shine, approachable, and the alcohol is well cloaked.

Excellent beer. The nutty aspects were subtle, and I appreciated the layers of malty flavors. Volition buy again.

Jun 14, 2019

Photo of russpowell
3.44 /5  rDev -12.ix%
await: 2 | smell: 3.five | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.75 | overall: iii.5
by russpowell from Arkansas

Pours a very effervescent hazel with some chill hazing. A modicum head lacing & zero lacing

S: Faint nuttyness, figs, vanilla, starts strong, doesn't sustain

T: Dainty chocolate notes with with peanuts, hazelnuts & almonds, just a little charred grain bitterness as well. Peanuts, a fiddling bitterness nigh like shells mikes with a little dryness & lite cocoa as this warms. Finishes dry with a petty hazelnut & dryness with pecan hulls

MF: Medium torso, firm carbonation, warming

This didn't measure upwards. Belching Beaver's Version was far superior. ABV is well hidden

Jun 01, 2019

Photo of Reema
4.eleven /5  rDev +4.1%
await: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 3.five | overall: four
by Reema from California

Serving type: 12 oz can into a Chapman Crafted tulip.

Pours a deep midnight black, a dark mahogany color when held up to a vivid lite. Mocha colored bubbles form a frail meringue foam that dissipates downward to a few swathes of film that persist throughout the drink. Aroma is of intense molasses, brownish sugar, cocoa, java roastiness, nutty roast, with the peanut starting semi-subtle and becoming very credible as the beer warms. Taste reflects the smell, a lot of brown sugar, cocoa, java roast, with the peanut butter character getting more prominent as it warms. Definitely not a peanut butter merely a more than subdued, less diabetes inducing peanut butter stout. Mouthfeel is slightly sparse for the style, could use some more chew. Overall this is a good peanut butter beer with great aromas and flavor.

May 12, 2019

Photo of DrDemento456
iv.43 /5  rDev +12.2%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | gustation: iv.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
past DrDemento456 from Pennsylvania

Probably one of the best imperial peanut butter beers I ever had. while most takes on the style are very dry out and bitter this ane has plenty of sweet tones including chocolate toffee and molasses almost like a raw honey flavor. I would have it once again.

May 03, 2019

Photo of WesMantooth
iii.99 /v  rDev +1%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | experience: 3.75 | overall: 4
past WesMantooth from Ohio

From a 12 oz can with a 3/6/19 postage stamp

It looks great. A slightly ruby-red hued black with a huge, frothy tan head.

Smells like peanut brittle, fudgey chocolate, and sugariness oats.

It tastes similar chocolate covered peanut shells, toffee, and molasses, with a low-cal roasted grain and oats in the end.

It has just enough trunk that it doesn't meet watery/thin from the flossy, flaky oats feel, but information technology isn't a large, heavy, chewy imp stout that you fight to get through by whatever ways. Definitely lite for the abv.

This is 1 yous could easily beverage a few of earlier realizing information technology is even so an 8% beer. The peanut aroma is a lot stronger than the flavor and made me call back it was going to exist over washed, but it is really pretty counterbalanced in the flavor.

Apr 07, 2019

Photo of StonedTrippin
four.02 /5  rDev +one.viii%
look: iv.25 | scent: 4 | sense of taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: iv
by StonedTrippin from Colorado

i generally really dont like this kind of affair, avert the over flavored nighttime beers equally much as i tin can these days, so i was shocked to like this, fifty-fifty find it drinkable, and absurd to observe something like this in a can, that format is no longer for pales and lagers, thats for sure. slick black look to this one, a really sturdy light brown head on acme too, virtually a nitro looking richness to it and impressive retention, a pretty brew for sure, doesnt look fatty or greasy at all, which sometimes peanut beers do to me. lots to like near the odor and flavour here too, the peanut role seems real natural, perhaps real nuts and non that powdery thing, but im not sure, information technology sure tastes like peanuts, and with the chocolate character of the grain, it has an well-nigh nighttime chocolate covered roasted peanut thing going on thats real highly-seasoned, but at the aforementioned time, its non desserty or overly sweetness, non all jacked upward on vanilla and lactose or anything, and i even go a savory chemical element from the peanut, a lite saltiness i remember, its awesome in the finish where the overly sweet cease would usually set in, it makes this fashion more potable without it, yum! smooth and round feeling, not glutinous or heavy, even at this strength information technology drinks pretty easy and mellow, and the peanut butter flavor is well incorporated to a very solid base beer, non dominant or forced, better than pretty much all others i take ever had attempting to practice the same matter. they should be proud of this one, its not easy to practise, and this is really good. a wonderful night cap!

Apr 01, 2019

Photo of Act25
4.eleven /5  rDev +4.1%
look: 4 | smell: iv.25 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
by Act25 from New Bailiwick of jersey

Astonishing bouquet on this Atomic number 82 stout, more than grass, flowershop, barn than Peanut butter. Still tasting advisedly to follow the aroma trail.
A) All 1 expects of a stout, biscuit head, lace, last, stickage.
S) Still trying to figure out - gotta love an smell that stumps united states of america afterward and so many beer tastes. Bravo.
T) Chocolate, Peanut butter oil, crunchy, toasted, crushed basics. Weird vanilla, flower and spice cabinet additions. While the flowers are lain on deeply charred driftwood, seaweed and hops.
f) Chalky, never cloying despite the ability.
o) A bursting flavor that needs to exist tasted bullheaded vs other strong stouts and Pb stouts.

Mar 24, 2019

Photo of lastmango
three.62 /five  rDev -8.4%
expect: 3.75 | scent: 3.5 | gustation: three.75 | feel: 3.five | overall: 3.v
by lastmango from Pennsylvania

Poured pitch black with just a slight tan head that disappeared in seconds. No lacing present. Olfactory organ is faint and consists of light malt, root beer and a caramel wax candle. Faint malt, caramel, coffee, peanut butter and peanut trounce. Moderate light body and carbonation. Overall, not too impressed.

Mar 15, 2019

Photo of mvanaskie13
3.34 /five  rDev -15.4%
look: iii | smell: 3.25 | gustatory modality: 3.v | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.25
by mvanaskie13 from Pennsylvania

Poured into a sam adams custom shaped glass: color is dark brownish, amber edges, a bit light colour for an imperial stout; head is light tan and presents 1/2 inch thick and so dissipates to a thin ring with some lacing on the drinking glass.

Olfactory property is heavy on molasses like notes, very light on peanut butter, and some light actual barley malt in between with limited roast or chocolate like aromas.

Sense of taste provides more peanut butter flavor just at that place is nonetheless a near maple syrup like flavor from the brownish sugar, definitely different than expected. Flavors are more towards the adjuncts than the base and barley malts with any hint of roast and toasted or chocolate malts overtaken by the peanut butter/dark-brown sugar residuals.

Mouthfeel is lightly sweet, then bitter, slightly drying; about cloying presence seems to be subconscious past the purple stout bittering qualities along with roasted malt acidity.

Overall this brew has some of the flavors of the stated sub style merely it does non quite hit the purple stout notes I'd like to see have a stronger presence - roast or chocolate malt. the peanut butter / brown saccharide combination creates a molasses or even maple like flavor that is quite dominant.

Mar 07, 2019

Sin Tax Royal Peanut Butter Stout from Mother Earth Brew Co.
Beer rating: 88 out of 100 with 388 ratings


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